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Rexobol 50mg

(3 customer reviews)


Produced by: Alpha Pharma

Quantity and Dosage: 50 pills – 50 mg

Active Substance: Winstrol

Prescription: NOT needed.

Delivery to: USA, Australia, Canada, UK, EU, Asia, and worldwide.

Payment methods: PayPal, Credit Card – all types (Visa, Master Card, Prepaid Cards, etc.)

Please note! Min order amount is $99 (for all chosen products without shipping cost)! Awesome extras for orders over $499! We guarantee 100% secure payment (your bank NEVER sees WHAT you buy). Full refund in case of non-delivery due to our Online Pharmacy!

Category: Active Substance: Product ID: 47320186


By buying Stanozolol by brand name Rexobol you get 50 tablets in two original blisters of 25 tablets. One tablet contains 50 mg of the active substance stanozolol. This anabolic steroid pills from Alpha Pharma is the most popular steroid in the USA and worldwide.

Interestingly, due to the rather weak ability to grow muscle mass, Stanozolol, has gained popularity among bodybuilders relatively recently. In bodybuilding, its other qualities are very much appreciated, which will be described below.
The most widespread application of Stanozolol is found in the process of training athletes, boxers, and swimmers. Exactly where you need an extreme increase in speed-strength indicators without a significant increase in body weight.

A particularly indicative case of the widespread use of the active substance of Stanozolol in the athletics community is the deprivation, for the use of doping – stanozolol, by the famous athlete – sprinter Ben Johnston, Olympic Gold won by him in Seoul in 1988.
As Johnson later recalls: “If you don’t swallow it, you won’t be able to win,” the coach told him in 1981, and it was about this anabolic steroid.

Stanozolol – in bodybuilding is the undisputed leader in the composition of cycles for cutting. In such cycles, Stanozolol is most often combined with “short-lived” testosterone propionate.
In addition, Stanozolol is taken to lower the level of SHBG, a protein that binds testosterone in the body and leaves most of it inactive, thus increasing the bio-availability of free testosterone in the body.
Note that in competitive bodybuilding, the more popular injectable form of this drug is produced under various commercial names.
Stanozolol is a drug that has a pronounced anabolic activity, equal to 320% of the testosterone, and extremely low androgenic activity.

This means that these steroid pills do not aromatize, ie, are not converted into estrogens and side effects, such as gynecomastia and swelling, do not threaten you.

How to take Stanozolol in Cycle

Stanozolol is used both solo (i.e. the only drug on the cycle) and in combination with various drugs with a high androgenic index, such as testosterone – enanthate, cypionate, propionate.

The minimum “working dosage” of the drug is 30 mg per day and directly depends on the weight of the athlete.

Recommended dosages depending on body weight:
– up to 80 kg – 30 mg per day;
– 80-100 kg – 40 mg per day;
– more than 100 kg – 50 mg per day;
As mentioned above, Stanozolol is good to use in the cutting cycle.

The most common combination, especially among amateur bodybuilders, is Stanozolol and testosterone propionate. Taking stanozolol at any course can significantly increase the effectiveness of using one or another drug since this steroid increases the amount of free testosterone in the body by reducing the amount of testosterone binding globulin.
Stanozolol is simply irreplaceable in courses in which nandrolones are used – decanoate and phenylpropionate, as it avoids the side effects inherent in nandrolones.

Stanozolol Solo Cycle

If you decide to use Stanozolol solo, then you should take the drug at a dosage of 40-50 mg. A lower dosage may not be effective. The time intervals between taking Stanozolol should not exceed 6 hours. The cycle must be built for 6-8 weeks.
Very often, Stanozolol is used together with Clenbuterol in cycles aimed at cutting. Clenbuterol in this case is taken according to the standard scheme.
After the course, be sure to perform PCT. It is necessary to start PCT after the steroid has “worked out” in the body – two to three days after taking the last steroid pill.
Both Clomid and Tamoxifen can be taken on PCT. The only difference will be in cost. The drugs will be equally effective. The therapy should last 25 days. In the first 15 days, you take 20 mg of Clomid or Tamoxifen, the next 10 days – 10 mg.


Judging by the reviews of numerous buyers, you can expect from the Stanozolol cycle:

– Increasing the relief and section of the musculature – the main effect of Stanozolol;
– Significant increases in endurance and strength;
– Increased strength;
– Removing excess fluid from the body;
– Decrease the percentage of body fat.
Subject to diet and competent training, Alpha Pharma Stanozolol, will give you an increase in cutting 3-5 kg for a 6-week course.

Stanozolol Side Effects

Stanozolol is one of the so-called safe drugs. The extremely low androgenic index allows the athlete not to be afraid of the side effects associated with aromatization. The drug simply does not have one. Due to its low androgenic activity, it moderately inhibits the production of its own testosterone. But it is in this particular feature that the main “catch” lies because androgens increase libido. There are reviews of a drop in libido during the course of Stanozolol. (After discontinuation of the drug and PCT, libido returned to normal).
In addition, the drug strongly cut the ligaments and joint capsules. In view of this quality, on the solo course of this drug, it is necessary to train in an intense manner and forget about large working weights. Ignoring this recommendation can “get out” with ligament injury and pain in large joints.

We recommend taking Stanozolol in combination with androgenic steroids – testosterone and testosterone mixes, nandrolones, which will nullify these negative effects. On the cycle of Stanozolol, it is possible to increase the indicators of liver enzymes in the blood, which will return to normal after the abolition of the anabolic.
Care should be taken to apply this steroid to people prone to baldness (bald or balding male relatives).

Due to its low price and outstanding qualities in demand in bodybuilding and other sports, Stanozolol has gained immense popularity. The great demand for Stanozolol from Alpha Pharma gave rise to many “counterfeit offices”, which in “artisanal” conditions established the production of this steroid.

Where to find it for sale?

If you want to buy original Stanozolol, then you should order it from our Alaska Center For Natural Medicine official ACNM Online Pharmacy. We guarantee the originality of our products and never sell counterfeit drugs. We successfully deliver to the United States of America, Australia, Canada, UK, Europe, Asia, and all over the world in 2 weeks!

3 reviews for Rexobol 50mg

  1. Thelma Mcbride

    Looking to get ripped? This is the steroid for you! Stanozolol helps increase muscle mass and strength while also burning fat. It’s the perfect choice for those looking to achieve a lean, shredded physique.

  2. Mike Rhodes

    Looking to add an edge to your performance? Then look no further than Stanozolol – a powerful anabolic steroid that can help you achieve the results you desire. With its ability to boost strength, stamina and endurance, Stanozolol can help you take your training to the next level. What’s more, it may also help reduce body fat and support lean muscle growth – giving you the muscular physique you’ve always wanted. So if you’re looking for a product that can help you reach your fitness goals, Stanozolol is definitely worth considering.

  3. Rodolffff

    Rexobol has delivered fantastic results. I’ve gained muscle and strength while improving my overall fitness. The product is easy to incorporate into my diet, and I’ve experienced no side effects. It’s definitely worth trying for anyone serious about muscle gain.

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