Diet for weight loss – professional athletes recommendations
To lose weight by 10 kilograms and improve the body, a lipid-lowering diet is perfect. This is a method of medical nutrition based on restricting the use of foods that contain cholesterol and easily digestible carbohydrates. To achieve the desired result, it is important to know the intricacies and some of the rules of this diet.
Our body maintains the necessary blood cholesterol levels. But due to improper diet and a sedentary lifestyle, its level can be easily disrupted. As a result, many diseases can develop, most often it is a heart attack or coronary artery disease. A lipid-lowering diet is aimed at lowering the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, therefore, its diet provides for the absolute exclusion of all foods that contain simple carbohydrates, animal fat, and cholesterol.
Brightline Eating VS Healthy Diet
This therapeutic diet is especially indicated for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases – angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, and so on. You’d better choose it instead of Brightline Eating. It is also recommended for the elderly. In addition, it is prescribed for those who have a predisposition to cardiovascular diseases, as well as, if there are other provoking factors: obesity, smoking, hypertension, diabetes mellitus of any type, and high cholesterol in the blood.
The principle of a lipid-lowering diet is to systematically lose weight, and for this, it is necessary to reduce the daily caloric intake of the diet by 30%. This technique does not imply a clearly established diet.
You can compose it at your discretion, occasionally including even those dishes that are considered inappropriate in the diet. It is extremely important to eat small meals at least 5-6 times a day to help normalize blood sugar levels and prevent hunger cravings.
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Include in the diet low-fat meat and fish, low-fat cottage cheese and cereals – no more than 100-150 grams per day, broccoli, zucchini, shallots, cucumbers, cabbage of all varieties, radishes, tomatoes and other non-starchy vegetables – in unlimited quantities, mango, pears, apples and citrus fruits – up to 400 grams per day, bread – no more than 60 grams per day.
Eliminate whole milk, hard cheeses, homemade fatty sour cream and cottage cheese, cream, yogurts, ice cream, condensed milk, milkshakes, eggs, sweet foods, starchy plant foods, smoked meats, semi-finished products, fast food, mayonnaise, pork, lamb, marinades, canned food, pickles, alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks. A liquid diet should consist of still or meltwater, unsweetened tea, and coffee.
Try not to fry food, it is recommended to boil, steam or bake food, so they retain their maximum benefits and are not saturated with fats and cholesterol during frying. Also, keep your salt and spices to a minimum. You can also try to use weight loss pills like Clenbuterol – it really works.
Sample menu of a lipid-lowering diet
Breakfast: brown rice porridge with the addition of 1 teaspoon of natural liquid honey, as well as 250 milliliters of freshly squeezed juice with pulp.
Second breakfast: 1 glass of low-fat milk, 2-3 rice crackers, and any fruit.
Lunch: oatmeal, a handful of boiled shrimp, and 1 pineapple.
Afternoon snack: 200 milliliters of low-fat kefir and 1 any fruit.
Dinner: a serving of green vegetables and 1 piece of steamed fish without added salt.
An important point is the refusal of meals after 19 hours. Dinner should be high in fiber and minimal cholesterol. Another point is the correct emotional state before starting the diet. It must be remembered that all this is for the sake of health, for the good of the body. This will help you cope with the adjustment to a new diet and adhere to it and it will be better than Brightline Eating.
After all, the meal schedule should be strict and cannot be violated. For 1 month of such nutrition, you can get rid of an average of 10 kilograms of excess weight. To improve the effectiveness of your diet, try to get enough sleep and take regular walks in the fresh air.